
Showing posts from 2012

Top two teeth

You've been working in these teeth for a couple of weeks. They finally reared their cute little heads! You can't see it here, there's one on either side of these, too! Yikes!

Going to grandmas


Dude, check out your foot. It's huge!!!!

Santa's not so bad

Here's your first picture with Santa. I believe you're silently protests this tradition!

9 months 1 week

Here you are with your bear. My, my, my - you've grown!


Look at you! So handsome. And, you wore this hat for a good hour with no complaint. Plus, no crying at Santa. You were very suspicious of him, though. Smart kid.


You love lounging with daddy. We let you watch a little YouTube some days and here you're watching Silly Songs With Larry - the hairbrush song.

Swinging at the park...

Close up of the upswing! You weren't very impressed, but you loved watching the cars go by.

Mommy's Night

It was just you and mommy tonight. Look how much fun we had!


You're chewing on a stress ball shaped like a brain here. I don't think anyone would accuse you of being a walking dead, though.

Raptor Ride

This is your first trip exploring the farm. We helped Aunt Christine find a Christmas tree for her and Shirley's house. You weren't quite sure what to think!

So far foods:

Ranked in order of preference 1. Sweet potato 2. Avocado 3. Plain yogurt 4. Apple 5. Broccoli 6. Yellow Squash 7. Banana, which you love, but it doesn't love you. Next to try: pears and butternut squash

Guess who is pulling up


New hat

Please sir, could I have some more?

No more Pinocchio family!

The adoption was finalized today. Here we are for the first time as a legal "real" family!


Every afternoon, you spend some time with mommy in her office. Now that you're crawling, you get to explore all the crooks and crannies! It makes you so happy!

Nap Hair

This is what you look like after a 2 hour nap. Bright eyes; crazy hair!

Happy Halloween

Cutest superhero ever.

First open-mic!

You loved it, but the walk back home was a little chilly. Check out your lounging foot! Such a hipster!


Nope, not yet, but you're rocking away and scooting backwards. You think the whole process is fun!

OSU Homecoming Day

My little Cowboy all decked out, riding in his orange car seat, on our way to see Grannie! Gotta represent!

7 months!

Guess who is 7 months old! You've got two bottom teeth, can sit up, and kinda like bananas. You smile all the time and are soooo close to crawling!


See these teeth? You're such a big boy! You're all smiles right after your 6 month shots. So tough!

Hair cut

Today mommy cut your hair, just your bangs. I don't know what they'll call this in your time, but its what we call a 'hot mess'. Good thing you're so handsome. Daddy wanted to cut it with a #3 guard, so it coulda been way worse, kiddo.

Sucky sick sick

So, you're really sick, and we had to get some tests run, but you were a champ! Mommy and Daddy are way less courageous. Look at you, just 1.5 hours after a nasal flu test and blood work. So tough, even after a fitful, feverish sleep.

Child Care Nap

I wonder why you're trying to reach Zen here. Are you focusing on eliminating all the sounds of the kiddos around you? Where is this higher place for you? Either way, you are so peaceful here it makes me smile.


Apparently, hats are funny. You shook your head when I put this on you, as if to say 'mommy, you don't wear hat with Jammie's!'

Bear Wrestling

This bear is your first toy, which your Grannie made. It sat in your crib for nearly a year waiting for you arrive. Now you like to wrestle it! I take your picture with it every month to track your size, and BOY have you grown!

Best boy ever

After two hours in the car you are STILL happily playing.

Love, love, love

It's clear in both your faces here that your daddy loves you and you love your daddy. It makes your mommy's heart swell.

Sitting Up

You just figured out how to sit up today. Growing up so fast.

College is hard work!

This is you, after a ride across campus!

Office Time!

You love to play at mommy's office when I'm all done with class and office hours, and though you love sitting at my desk, pounding its top and reaching for the keyboard, this go-pod is pretty fun, too!

Words are funny!

Hey little guy, you are so funny, and lots of things make you laugh. You like for us to say your name, 'peekaboo' and today, you decided 'itsy bitsy' was hysterical. This is the face you make when you laugh.


A few days after this picture was taken, those chairs were recalled as unsafe. Maybe that's why you look a so uneasy in this pic.     

Future Problems

When you are old enough to read this, and you have a problem where you are constantly raiding the fridge when you should be asleep, this is where it all began.


Buddy, I think you have sprung a leak.    

Big day for a little guy


Yum yum yum

If you're reading this and you only have 9 fingers, this is why. And buddy, you've started blowing your lips like a horse does when its tired. It's the funniest thing in the world. You do it and then you laugh and laugh and laugh. Which of course makes us laugh and laugh. And then we do it too trying to get you to do it again, which makes us look ridiculous and causes you to laugh even more. Good times.    


We need to introduce you to a barber. That stuff is out of control. IMG_0506  


Hey son, the last few days you've been working on a new sound. It is quite different than all your other sounds. For instance, you've been giggling, laughing, sometimes even yelling out. It's quite a joy to see and everyone loves to hear you exploring your noise maker. But this new one delights you beyond measure, while having a much less enjoyable effect on the rest of us. This loud squeaking you seem to love so much, might seem like a lot of fun. From the looks of you, it's a complete riot. Just wanted to drop a line and let you know about your squeaking. Oh, and PS. If by the time you can read this you only have 9 fingers, it is because you gnawed off one.

Father's Day

Well buddy, this was my first father's day. Which makes sense given that you're my first child. We had a big party at the farm which you enjoyed immensely, and then we had a nice even reading and watching the Thunder. It was a good day.

Your mom

Just know you are loved. Wow, you were so tiny!    

Our family

Is complete with you! Look how handsome you are. This photo was taken at your first shower thrown at your aunt Sara's house. Everyone was impressed with how good of a baby you are. For us, you're perfect!


Marty, this is your grandfather getting annoyed with his son for taking his picture with you. If you look through all our photos you'll notice that grandpa is often annoyed with his son. But grandpa sure does love you!    

Your cousin

When your cousin was young, he thought I was Uncle Awesome because I'd take him flying around the room, zooming around people and buzzing the furniture. By the time you read this, I'll probably no longer be Uncle Awesome because I won't be able to fly him around the room any more. That boy is growing fast….too fast. Hopefully your old man can fly you around before he gets too old and decrepit.     

You are a little monkey

Proof! al    


You probably have no idea what planking is Marty, but look it up on Wikipedia or whatever they have in your day.    

Marty with Great-Grandma Murphy

Marty this is your great grandmother June Murphy. She helped make me who I am and is a wonderful person. You'll love her just as much as everyone else does, I'm sure.    


I love when Robin sings to Marty as he starts trying to talk back to her. It's incredibly cute but you have to wonder what he's thinking. "Does she really know the words to this song?" "Why doesn't she sing me some Britney Spears?" "Mom I love you, but you couldn't keep time with a watch." "Sing me the one about the froggy with the sword and pistol again!"

The guy over there is almost as happy as me!


The smartest baby ever born!

You may guess from my title that I'm a bit biased.