
Showing posts from August, 2012

Love, love, love

It's clear in both your faces here that your daddy loves you and you love your daddy. It makes your mommy's heart swell.

Sitting Up

You just figured out how to sit up today. Growing up so fast.

College is hard work!

This is you, after a ride across campus!

Office Time!

You love to play at mommy's office when I'm all done with class and office hours, and though you love sitting at my desk, pounding its top and reaching for the keyboard, this go-pod is pretty fun, too!

Words are funny!

Hey little guy, you are so funny, and lots of things make you laugh. You like for us to say your name, 'peekaboo' and today, you decided 'itsy bitsy' was hysterical. This is the face you make when you laugh.


A few days after this picture was taken, those chairs were recalled as unsafe. Maybe that's why you look a so uneasy in this pic.     

Future Problems

When you are old enough to read this, and you have a problem where you are constantly raiding the fridge when you should be asleep, this is where it all began.


Buddy, I think you have sprung a leak.    

Big day for a little guy
