
Showing posts from 2015

Just a random evening

This picture is from just a random evening where we had a crash and you hurt your hand, then we went and saw a monster truck, then went to the sandwich shop, and finished up running and racing at the echo chamber in front of the old theater. I love the sound of your laughter. Best thing in life. 

Jingle Bells

Here's how you sing Jingle Bells: "Jing open Jing open Fun is to the right of scove" Daddy and I wish we knew where scove was! You are a wonder, son Sent from my iPhone

Fun with the cousins

You had a great time celebrating Easter with your cousins. After a long day this is you winding down and watching some Aquanauts. 

Fun Words

I wish I would have recorded all the fun ways you pronounced words before getting them correct. "Helicocker" "Ros-ez" "Stink-eee" "Dr. Romp-o-don" and so many more.