
Showing posts from April, 2017

An Afternoon of Imagination

Martin’s Wishes While playing pirates with mommy, Martin found ‘X marks the spot for treasure.’ And as he dug it up there was a treasure chest full of 11 wishes. Mommy asked what he wished for, and here are his wishes. To be a grown up. To have golden toy cars. To be able to climb fast. To be a monkey and swing all over the place. To have a race car. To be a construction worker. To be a pirate. To be able to drive. <don’t remember> <don’t remember> And last was to never be heart broken. All of these wishes were Martin’s and Martin’s alone.  Martin then said all of them were true, they’re right over there. And gestured to his right, said here they come. And then he told mommy to get into his race car and they drove it into the house.